Friday 13 January 2012

Imax, Imperial War Museum and Natrual History Museum

 Cheryn kindly offered to stay with Rachel and Corbin at the hotel while Pete, Zeek and I went to watch Mission Impossible at the Imax theatre.  It was amazing to watch it on such a big screen, felt like I was there in some of the scenes.  No pictures of my own though.

The next day everyone but Cheryn (she was tired and wanted to stay at the hotel) went to the Imperial War Museum.  I spent most of the time either crying or fighting off tears.  I don't like war.  I felt exactly like this girl who for the first time finds out what humans are capable of (she is an alien by the way).

On the way there
Needless to say I was glad to get out of there.  Here is the building with some massive cannons.
You can see Rachel at the base, they really were massive!

This is a piece of the Berlin Wall.  I felt very fortunate to be able to walk all the way around it and not be caged in by it.  

 Sleeping on the tube platform during the blitz.  I think I would have been frightened of being trapped down there.

 This is the Natural History Museum building, I thought it was beautiful.  The high ceilings inside were amazing too, not sure why I didn't get a picture of them.  Only Rachel and I went there, everyone else was tired after the war museum.
When you go to the earth display - everything to do with the planet, core, plats, rocks, water etc. - you go up the escalator through this 'earth'.  There is so much attention to detail here.

 They have an earthquake simulator.  You go into this 'grocery store' and and earthquake happens, it is only 4 on the Richter Scale, but if that was the solid ground underneath my feet and not just a large metal plate I would be terrified!  It really does rock from side to side, something a boat does not the ground!

 This sign says:  "Pele's hair - these remarkable fibres, made of volcanic glass, are named after a Hawaiian goddess.  They form as lava thrown up by a volcano, is drawn out by the wind like honey."  It really does look like golden hair.
That was our last day in London.  We really enjoyed it, thanks Pete for being such a diligent worker, you made this holiday possible for us.  

1 comment:

Judy said...

Truly memorable shared family experience... shared with us too... I imagine you will talk about it through many years. Bless you all - you made it happen!