Thursday 12 January 2012

Dr Who Experience!!!!!

For those of you who are not Dr Who fans, you should be!  Ok, maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I really love this show!  I said we were going to the Dr Who Experience for the kids, but I think I actually had more fun.  I felt like a child going into the Tardis, I was so excited I could hardly contain myself! It really is bigger on the inside!  You are not allowed to take any photos or video footage inside the experience, so these are pictures of the exhibits before and after we went in.  

Corbin likes the Cyber Men, and what is so exciting about this museum and it's exhibits, they are the actual costumes/models/props used in the TV show.

 Dalek like to do this to people, they are not very nice.
 This is the current Dr. (Matt Smith), well actually it's a wax model, but I'm sure you realised that.
 This episode was titled: 'Family of Blood' and was quite scary.  The scarecrows were not very nice either.
The silence are sleeping...
 Why do I have a tally on my hand?  Can't remember, oh well, can't be anything important... (if you are lost and confused, you probably will stay that way until you watch the show, sorry)
 Inside the Tardis

Rachel and I did the green screen photo shoot,

We had a fabulous time.  I'll definitely go back next time we are in the neighbourhood.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Very Cool! Glad you amde it happen!