Saturday 14 January 2012

Happy Birthday Dianne

We caught the train back to Dianne's house on the Monday morning.  When we arrived she had a full house!  Chirs, Desree, and their two children, Richard, Bronwyn, and their four children, Dianne, Hilmar and Phillipa, Pete, Gillian and our four children.  Phew, that's 19 (and just to round it off, you could also count number 20, Bronwyn's 5th which is due in a few months)  Oh and by the way, they live in a two bedroom flat!  

We had bought a small cake for Dianne and we all sang to her.

 Far too many people to feed lunch to, so it was off to a local carvery for lunch.  We walked in and asked for a table for 19.  The lady actually shouted 19??!!  It was so funny!  We put the kids at one table with Cheryn and Zeek in charge.

And the adults at the next table.  It was a really lovely lunch and great to be with like minded South Africans again.  I really enjoyed this time catching up with old friends and it made me realise how much I have missed this kind of thing.  Hanging out with people you have history with is great!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Very funny - the 19!!!
Thanks for sharing the day with us too...