Wednesday 8 October 2008

Tag, I'm it today

Well I am feeling a lot more in the mood to be playing tag lately. I was tagged by my cousin Jenny and this tag is seven random facts about yourself. I don't know anyone else to tag that hasn't already done some of their own tagging, so I'm not passing it on, but here goes:

1) I like to do my own laundry, if you offer to help, I might let you, but it will make me cringe all the time I see you hanging or folding things differently. I have gotten over rehanging or refolding though, I am overcoming my OCD tendencies!

2) I love to make up stories out loud when no one else is listening. I do different voices and the whole dialog and everything! I hope no one ever catches me doing it, but I don't mind admitting it. I make up the most wonderful and amazing stories, sometimes I even get myself laughing or crying because I get so into them.

3) I love looking for bargains, charity shops are great and I love sales at clothing stores. There is nothing more satisfying than bringing home a few items of clothes for half the price of what one of them would have cost at normal price.

4) I beat Jenny on the marriage one (not that it is a competition) I was 19 when I got married and also had to get my dad to sign a form allowing Pete to take me as his wife.

5) I love to listen to the rain on the roof window in our room while I am falling asleep. Actually I love to listen to the rain anytime.

6) I love to go to the temple, If I had more money I would go a lot more often. To stand in the house of the Lord and know that He has been there is something very special to me. I envy those who live closer.

7) I am doing exactly what I always wanted to do in life. (now how many people can say that!) When the question was asked at school: What do you want to be when you grow up? I always thought that I wanted to be a wife and a mother. What a privilege that I have this opportunity.

And that's it, my seven random facts.


Jen said...

I enjoyed your 7 random facts! The laundry one made me laugh and made me wonder if you still eat Smarties the same way as you used to!!

Anonymous said...

I forget, or perhaps I don't know any other way to eat smarties, is it the colour separation that you are talking about or the fact that I always have to be even, chew one on the right, then one on the left, making sure the last smartie goes into the right side of my mouth. Weird, I know.

Dee said...

I'm so proud you did this, and your facts were interesting. I have to say, you're so on your won on the laundry thing, my issues have gotten worse instead of better. Clearly I have control problems.