Saturday 5 July 2008

Oh the honesty

Today we went for a walk along a new piece of the coastal path (the path is old, we had not walked there yet)

I had asked the kids to take their coats along, because a wise man always carries his coat! Just a few minutes into the walk we were all boiling and Rachel and Corbin didn't want to carry their coats so I told them to hang them up on the farmers fence that we were passing and we would pick them up on the way back.

Rachel was horrified, "but someone will take it mom" I told her that I was confident that they would still be there when we got back so they hung them up and off we went.

I wasn't worried because I often see lost socks, hats, coats, jumpers or scarves up on a fence or hedge. (wait that sounds like our neighbourhood is littered with clothes, what I meant to say was that on occasion when walking I have seen this.) People are well clothed enough that they don't need to take anyone else's things.

We had a great time on the walk and when we got back to the spot the coats were still hanging right where we left them. Wonderful!

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