Saturday 12 July 2008

Bonfire's Burning...

We decided to go to the bonfire lighting. I am glad that we did, it was interesting to watch the people and of course the bonfire was beautiful.

This pic is blurry by it shows all of the cars parked along the road, I couldn't believe how many people turned up to watch.
At 11:45 pm they started pouring the petrol over the bottom layer.
The first flames lap the wet wood.
It took three barrels of petrol to get it started, we have had a really wet week!
The people near the buildings seemed to be the ones to stay away from. They didn't seem dangerous, just a lot of drinking and a rough feeling about them. They were in the minority though.

There were plenty of other people who looked like they were just your normal every day people enjoying the huge bonfire burning.
This is the only wall mural left on this side of the estate, I think they are getting rid of all the ones that depicted guns pointing or violence of any sort.
And here is the bonfire in all its glory. Note the Southern Ireland Flag on top.

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