Tuesday 16 September 2008

A red fox in our garden

This morning I was in the kitchen and I heard Corbin shout: "Wow, what is that?" Then I heard Zeek say in a very excited voice: "No way, it's a fox!"

Well I came running and there it was in our back garden, just standing and looking at us. I wasn't able to get a picture, but it was a very exciting moment.

Then an hour later I was standing by the back door doing some laundry and I looked up and there it was again, trotting right up to me! It came within less than a meter and walked by with only a single glance at me. What an exciting moment, half of me wanted to run away (why was it coming straight for me, was I in any danger?) and the other half wanted to reach out and touch it (I could have if I wanted to)

This is the first time I have seen a fox in Northern Ireland. What a special moment that was for me.

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