Tuesday 30 September 2008

The epic canoe trip

Pete, Zeek and Corbin were going to go on the canoe trip to an island in the lough. It is a one night event, with a paddle to the island in the evening and then setting up camp. Enjoying supper and then doing those mysterious manly things that men do on a camping weekend. Then after a rough nights sleep they break camp - after a delicious Ulster fry - and climb back into the canoes and head home.

But Pete was sick, and I had to tell my boys (after they had spent the night before packing their bags) that they couldn't go. Obviously I didn't want to do this, so I asked their ever kind and wonderful Irish uncle Donovan if he would consider taking them with him. He very kindly said he would. They were so excited.

Donovan fetched them after school on Friday and off they went. They say a picture tells a thousand words, so I'll let them do just that.

The strong man carrying all his things and his brothers too.
The boats that they... got a ride in (I wanted to say paddled in but realized that that would be stretching the truth)
Setting up camp and deciding where everyone wanted to sleep. Zeek thinks something is great here.
Breakfast the next morning, look how tired we are as we stayed up very late chatting, but hey, isn't that what these weekends are for?
Nearly ready to go.
Thanks to anyone else who helped in any way with my boys: Ben, Ewen, Richard, Graham, Russel, Simon and Michael. (I hope I didn't miss anyone)

And this photo I saved to last because it was what everyone came up to me on Sunday to talk about. Corbin decided that he wanted to sleep out by the fire under the stars, on the log pile! He thought it was a great idea and he assured me that it was very comfortable. He still landed up sleeping in the tent though.
What a fantastic time, one they will remember for a long time I am sure. Thanks again Donovan.


Dee said...

Looks like so much fun, I'm glad they didn't have to be disappointed. I'm sure Pete would have loved to have been there if he could, looks like his scene.

Judy said...

The sort of thing I love too! Glad it could happen, sorry Pete couldn't be there.
Grateful you keep us all posted with entries on your blog. Thanks.
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