Friday 12 September 2008

Don't they look like Oompa Loompas

Donovan and Eva were kind enough to give us some gym equipment, they no longer needed it as they are the proud new members of the gym (lucky them! I love going to aerobics classes.)

These are the things Pete already had in his office:These are the new additions: (Thanks again.)

And as you can see he uses the equipment to get these smashing results: (he doesn't know that I put this picture up, so we'll see how long it stays, hee, hee)And these are the oompa loompas that work the equipment making chocolate waterfalls:


Claire said...

Hi Gillian! What a cute video. Just like the real oompa loomas! Cute blog.

Elaine said...

Hi Gill

This is the funniest!! I have watched it probably 5 times today and it keeps making me laugh. I love how Corbin's top half of his body is completely still while his legs are going crazy.