Monday 30 June 2008

9 Weeks of Summer holidays

Yesterday Pete went on a bike ride and set up a treasure hunt for us to do today. He took £1 for each of us and put them in a tin and buried them under a tree at the beach. Then gave us clues to follow, things that he saw along the way that could be turned into an answer of what to do with the money.

So first we had to follow the clues to get the treasure, then follow more clues to find out what to do with the treasure. We had to look on signs, graffiti and place markers to get all the letters required. After a long walk all the way from our house into town we had all the letters and knew where to go. They were M. A. U. D. S. (That's a really nice ice-cream shop in town)

But CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! When we got there they were closed due to an electrical fault! Pete came to fetch us and we dropped the kids off at Roberts (the local news agent or cafe) and they spent their money on sweets instead.

A great time was had by all, the kids really enjoyed figuring out the clues and running along the path to find the next ones. (unfortunately I forgot my camera so these are mobile phone pics)

Reading the clues
We are on our way
Counting the squares to find the next letter
A building in a cage, look on the sign
Enjoying the cool spray from the fountain on a hot day
Playing in the park
Enjoying some food at Burger King

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