Thursday 10 June 2010

Our First Ever Coach Temple Trip

Our Ward organized a trip to the London Temple. We have never gone on a coach trip with a ward before, we were all very excited. The Stake Primary had arranged a temple activity day so that is why Rachel and Corbin came too. They were both so excited because although they have been to the temple in Johannesburg, they don't remember it.

Cheryn and Zeek got to do some baptisms and I spent half the time in the temple and half the time out in the gardens with Rachel and Corbin. I am so glad that we went, it was a lovely experience.

She fell asleep with her fingers in her mouth, I thought it was so funny, and when she woke up she had bite marks on two of them! Must have been dreaming about eating something.

They both loved this statue of the Saviour. The first thing they did when they saw it was go up and hug Him.

We will definitely do it again next time.

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