Monday 25 August 2008

The Brompton Bay Swim

Today we decided to swim across Brompton bay. It is about a 40m swim across and when you are that cold it seems way further. We were all very brave though (including me who is really scared of swimming in the sea) I will admit to some panicky breathing in the middle, imagining what was in the water near me.
We attracted some spectators, as you can imagine, when you hit that freezing water you let out a few high pitched sounds. They were all smiles at this family swimming in the sea. Then just as we are getting near the other side, this old man comes and strips down to his cozzie and jumps in and has a good swim (no loud cold sounds came out of his mouth) I had a full wetsuit on and was cold!It was good fun, though I can't say I'll do it again.

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