Sunday 16 December 2007

Reunion part 1

The first half of the reunion happened at about 12:30 today when Dad, Mom, Gran (these titles may suffer from generational confusion), Chanel and Paige flew in from South Africa.

What the airline couldn't do Dad managed to and we're hoping his book will arrive before he leaves.

Claudia is the one in the middle faking a grin - she's half dead with the dreaded lurgy but we hope for a speedy recovery soon.

Don and Eva are on another one of their skiing holidays - Switzerland this time. I feel like I'm related to the jet-set!

There is a great feeling of excitement as we look forward to having the rest of the family arrive between now and Christmas.

I held a little baby last night - a one week old chap called Lewis. I missed having someone so absolutely dependent on me. Corbin is getting big fast and Rachel now only laughs at my jokes to be polite.

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