Sunday 23 September 2007

Gillian and several of her friends spent a few days at the Temple in England this week.

I found it quite hard being mother and father at the same time (again).

At least this time there was not a huge pile of washing anywhere, because apart from doing my normal job I also ended up working a couple of shifts at the ice cream shop. Washing didn't even feature on the agenda.

Well to top it off I've been as sick as a dog with the dreaded Irish flu. And to add insult to injury Rachel insisted on having me help her solve these complex mathematical equations in a feverish haze. I offered to write a letter to the school explaining that I was too sick to help her with homework but she wasn't taking no for an answer.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Pete

I hope you are feeling better. Sterkte!

I enjoy your posts - thank you.

I hope to learn from your unique way of expressing yourself. I want to be unique as me not as you mind you...

