Sunday 26 August 2007

Dear Gran

The summer days seem to be getting shorter faster. It's dark in the nights now and only gets light at about 6am.

Cheryn has finished going for her high school preparation lessons. She was very diligent in her work and I think she's a whole lot better prepared now. I'm not prepared to have a kid in high-school, I feel way to young!

Zeek visits home occasionally for food and sleep. The rest of the time he is on his bicycle with his friends. He went fishing the other day and came back with a 50cm long trout!

Rachel keeps doing her school homework in spite of the fact that she is on holiday. She looks forward to starting school next week.

Corbin lost his first tooth last night. I pulled it out for him with a pair of pliers. He is so excited and keeps giving a gap-toothed smile.

Gillian is in mourning - her Dad's father passed away yesterday after being frail for about a year. It is sad but also a relief I am sure.

I spent 4 days camping with the boys from church - we swam in the freezing sea, did some wall climbing, lots of other fun activities and not too much sleeping!



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