Tuesday 24 July 2012

Year 6 Leaver's Assembly and Memories

On Friday Corbin had his last day in primary school.  They had arranged a lovely leavers assembly for the year 6's.  There was a section for fond memories and Corbin got a special mention!  Do you remember this his school project a couple of years involving Siege Equipment?

Well even if you don't they did!  One of the teachers stood up and this is what he said:  "In 1895 when the old School Building was being constructed Mr. Davis found an ancient Roman manuscript.  After many years of work, Mr. Davis has finally discovered that the text was written by a young Centurion, Corbinus Boweni and was entitled Health and Safety Regulations for the Safe Operation of Siege Equipment.

I would like to read for you the first paragraph from the manuscript, written in the ancient Latin dialect of Latin O.  If there are any budding linguistics maybe they can help Mr. Davis translate:  'Never place o your head e o in front of o catapult o. Unless o you want to uttero I can see my house o from here e o.'

If only Mrs Goodfellow could read Latin O."

He then called Corbin up and handed him this 'certificate' (It was well received and there was lots of giggling and laughing)

So it's on to High School in September!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I am laughing and laughing all over again!