Saturday 9 January 2010

Snow three days later

Look at the difference between a garden that has children playing in it and one that does not.These icicles are outside my bedroom window, apparently this means that our house is not properly insulated.
I took this photo on Wednesday, the second day of snow, we had a white out, it was beautiful, but not for these motorists slipping and sliding as they went.


Jen said...

Another way to tell if your house is properly insulated is look at the roof after a snowfall or hard frost. If the snow is covering it you're fine but if it's bare it means you're leaking heat out of your roof.

I'm dreading our gas bill after this cold spell!! Our heat pours out through the cellar. If we were staying here I'd remove the cellar ceiling (under our front room floor), pack insulation in and replace the ceiling.

Judy said...

Phew! Makes me think of past times when all the houses were not properly insulated, and people less able to deal with "weather". Hooray for living these days!