Monday 5 October 2009

Moving day

Well I realized that almost no one knows when we are moving. So here it is: we leave on the 28th of October. REEEAAAALLLLYYYY early in the morning. We will arrive on the Isle of Wight about 19:30 that night, so it is going to be a long day.

We have a house there, three bedroom row house, with a long skinny back garden.

Cheryn is going two weeks early so that Angela can enroll her into her new school and get her settled.

I am doing my last Hair Dressing assessment on Thursday, so then I'll be fully qualified! I am very excited about that.

The house is looking empty because I have been packing the things into the garage. We taped off a section the size of our moving truck and I am packing the things into that space, that way we will know what fits and what to dump or give away. The bikes are going onto the car, that is why they are off to the side.

So that's all for now.

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