Friday 30 January 2009

Have you ever just stopped and looked?

Today I got out of the car and what did I see on the ground at my feet? A rather large earthworm. I took a moment to observe it and was simply amazed at the complexity of such a seemingly simple worm.

I got out the camera and tried to capture what I was seeing, but I don't think it could zoom as close as my eyes could.

See how it stretches out long and thin and then bunches up short and fat. And all of this is done presumably with no thought about it's own movement.

There is so much to learn in this world if we just stop and look. Once I watched a hairy spider walking along our tiled bathroom wall and was mesmerized for about 10 min.

Nature, animals, insects, birds, plants, humans, all so fascinating!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Indeed... I'm SO glad you, as well, have eyes that see!