Thursday 29 May 2008

Zeek's hockey

I watched my first hockey match today, it was great. You know those moms who stand on the side cheering and giving advice? That was me! I didn't know I was that kind of person.

The school hockey team were playing in a match for the first time and they did really well. They won two out of six matches. They were playing round robin (I had no idea what that was this morning, so don't worry if you don't either) It is where you have a few teams and they all rotate so that at the end everyone has played against everyone.

Some of the children were really amazing, I can see them going far if they stick at it - Zeek being one of them. (that is not a bias mom thing, he really is very good at it.) A great time was had by the players too, which is really the most important thing to me. (yes I know what you are thinking, but it REALLY is important to have fun while playing)

I noticed that a lot of the comments from parents were negative: "You missed that pass" or "Switch on!!" or "Don't miss again" And I noticed that the comments from Zeek's coach were for the most part positive and encouraging. I took a few pics of the game, but it is hard to catch with a digital camera that only takes the pic two seconds after you have pushed the button. So these are the best from the day.The team having a Pow Wow before their first match startsZeek about to hit the ball back into play (now I don't know if that is the right terminology) Zeek tackles the ball away from this girl and is about to pass to his team mate.The team being monkeys in the goals.
The proper formal pic taken by Mr. Stranex, Zeek's teacher and hockey coach.

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