Tuesday 10 February 2009

Did you got a visa?

Reflecting the integrity of the South African government's department of home affairs. South Africa now leaves the list of countries freely welcome in the UK and joins the likes of

Afghanistan Gambia Nigeria
Albania Georgia Oman
Algeria Ghana Pakistan
Angola Guinea Peru
Armenia Guinea Bissau Palestinian Authority
Azerbaijan Guyana Philippines
Bahrain Haiti Qatar
Bangladesh India Russia
Belarus Indonesia Rwanda
Benin Iran Sao Tome & Principe
Bhutan Iraq Saudi Arabia
Bosnia-Herzegovina Ivory Coast Senegal
Burkina Faso Jamaica Serbia
Burma (Myanmar) Jordan Sierra Leone
Burundi Kazakhstan Somalia
Cambodia Kenya Sri Lanka

in requiring a visa to visit the UK.


So, if you're planning on a visit please get the paperwork in early.



1 comment:

Judy said...

Thanks Pete. Now I have the website too.