Wednesday 18 February 2009

Day two, three and four on the Isle of Wight

The next three days was really a whirl of schools and neighbourhoods. We went to a movie night at the ward on Tuesday evening and I really enjoyed it. It was a film about Emma Smith and her life, what an amazing woman, elect.

Two of the high schools we viewed were... what word best describes them... ANARCHY. Now to be fair, we did view both of these near to the end of the day and students do get rowdy as the day goes on, and it could also have been a bad day in amongst other great days, but... we were not impressed at all.

There were two schools that I really liked though, Sandown High and Carisbrooke High. Both were Sports sponsored schools that I would happily send my children to.

I preferred Carisbrooke though because they had such a sensible uniform. You know how the girls roll up their skirts, and the girls and boys wear their ties huge, short and with the top button undone. So Carisbrooke decided that all the girls could wear black trousers (no jeans though) a polo shirt, a fleece top and no high heeled shoes, but black, and no ties. Finally someone used their head and came up with a sensible solution. And as a result all of the children looked neat and tidy.

The primary and middle schools (they are changing to the traditional primary and high-two tier system in 2010) were all good, much of a muchness really. Like private primary schools in SA for those of you who want a point of reference.

There were a couple of neighbourhoods that I really liked and would be perfectly happy living in. (These pics aren't necessarily the neighbourhoods, but they are some of the places we went)

On the South side of the Island there were actually waves and I saw two guys out surfing, and I thought of how Pete would like that.The island was absolutely packed with things to do. If I picked one thing every weekend it would probably take two years to go and see and do all the things on offer.

There is a bus and train service that covers the whole island, so there wouldn't be and transport issues either.

All in all I liked it. And I think so did Angela. So... Watch this space, no decisions are final yet.

Oh and by the way, after that holiday, we needed another one!

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