Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter Sunday

After Church on Sunday we had a quick lunch and then went for a walk along the coastal path near Ballyholme. It was one of the nicest days ever. We walked to the secret beach (so named by our kids, because you have to wait for low tide to get to it and you can't see it from the path).

Pete and I lay in the grass in the warm sun (it felt like the first time I had felt heat from the sun in ages!!) we also watched flocks of birds, listened to the sea, explored rock pools (Cheryn discovered these star fish), built dams, and there was not one fight amongst the kids for a full three and a half hours! It was such a great day.

Then the kids discovered these menhir looking rocks and were pretending to be Obelix. They also decided to carry these rocks all the way back to the car. It was a great team effort, all taking turns or carrying together. They carried them for about 1.5 miles! I was amazed that they made it. Just shows what you can accomplish as a team.

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